Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Blood Donations

With no reply from the Secretary of State for Health to our letter of 14th March 2010 [click here to read that letter] Invest in ME have followed up this letter with another one below.

Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP
Secretary of State for Health
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
London SW1A 2NS

cc: Mrs Ann Keen MP

7th April 2010

Dear Mr. Burnham,

On 14th March Invest in ME (UK Charity 1114035) sent you the email below asking questions relating to myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

We have had no reply.

People with ME and their carers and families and friends would like to see your response to the questions below so that what may be an estimated two million voters affected (directly or indirectly) by this appalling illness may be better placed to vote for the party who will best represent their interests after the coming election.

Invest in ME will be able to communicate your response to our supporters and the world-wide ME community.

Please could we receive your response to the questions below?

As an additional question please can you also verify that you have personally seen the email below and that the comments in any response you supply represent your views and those of the Labour government?

Can you also comment on the news that the Canadian Blood Service have banned people with ME from donating blood?

Will you also be recommending such a ban is implemented in the UK?

Your Sincerely

The Chairman and Trustees of Invest in ME

Yours Sincerely,

The Chairman and Trustees of Invest in ME

Invest in ME
Registered UK Charity Nr. 1114035
PO BOX 561, Eastleigh SO50 0GQ

Support ME Awareness - Invest in ME

Last Update 07/04/2010